

About John, we don't know that much.

We came across him at Market. He had been brought to market to sell - not officially in the auction - but by way of a speculative sale amongst the punters.

The two young men who had brought him to the sale were having no luck in selling him - there were no takers.

As the day progressed it was clear the lack of any takers was having a poor effect on the temper and attitude of the two young gentlemen.

We could see that to date John, as we have called him, had not by any means lived a pampered life. We feared for his future that day - if he had one.

After lengthy negotiations we were able to take John into our care, and bring him away from the market to safety and sanctuary at Hillfields.

He is settling in with the other dogs nicely. He seems quite a chap - keen to please.

Previous News Articles...

Sunday 30th March - Our first Open Day of 2008
Heather and Willow arrive at Hillfields
Open Day News and Pictures - 31-03-08
Feral Cats - 26-05-08
Queenie - 18-09-08

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