Russell the Cockerel

This magnificent bird is one of a staggering 100 cockerels at Hillfields, as every other call is about them. Very few have a life. Most males are crushed or gassed at birth - of no use to the egg industry - and the few who survive that end up unwanted. Farmers, breeders, small holders etc. only want one cockerel for their flock, any more are superfluous and so slaughtered.


Russell and the 99 others strut their macho stuff around the sanctuary mainly in harmony, but in spring when the hormones are up, they need monitoring and careful penning to avoid fights. They have rather ungratefully injured Lyn with their spurs many times! But we firmly believe they have a right to life too, hence the large number that live here. Imagine the noise at dawn!

If you would like to help us meet the cost of looking after Russell and his feather friends please consider sponsoring him.

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